Monday 17 June 2013

What Am I Doing With This Blog?

As I hope the blog name would have made obvious, I am fairly into my gaming, manga and anime. I've spent a fairly large chunk of my life playing video games, reading manga and watching anime. 

This had led to me collecting a fairly sizeable collection of video games and figurines. To be honest, I'm not really sure of the ultimate goal of this blog, my collection is nothing special so it's not to show off. I will possibly be selling off my collection in the coming few years as I find less and less space to actually display what I have. The majority of the stuff I have, has been sitting in cupboards all packaged up. So, I guess it is a nice way of getting everything I have out there in the open for everyone to see. 

Despite mentioning selling my collection, it is still growing *facepalm* I impulse buy like crazy, so don't expect posts to this blog to end any time soon.

I have a full time job and am working on other things in my spare time, so i'm hoping I will find the time to update at least once a week if not more.

If you're liking my posts and would like to see more of my collection please feel free to comment or send me a message, a little motivation goes a long way.


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